gemstone - Uma visão geral

Dolomite ranges from pure white to brownish-white and sometimes pink-colored. Gemstone quality dolomite can be difficult to find due to their cleavage and low hardness, 3.5-4 on Moh’s scale. They are therefore usually preferred as a collector’s stone.

Psilomelane is a group name for hard black manganese oxides. Psilomelane Dendrite are gems that have fern-like inclusions known as dendrites.

Druzy Variscite is an attractive green crystal formed inside or on the surface of various type of rock. The colors range from light pale-green to emerald-green.

Beryl is colorless in pure form; it is the many different impurities that give beryl its varied coloration as well as the appearance of the cat's eye effect.

Hematite is iron oxide that is typically blackish-gray. When highly polished it can sometimes look like silver. Hematite is a remarkably dense material.

The most sought after of all natural topaz is called imperial topaz. Its rich golden color with reddish and orange overtones is generally not enhanced by any kind of treatment.

Gemstones are natural mineral crystals that can be cut and polished to meet the requirements for making jewelry. That is to say, gemstones need to be beautiful in color, hard, rare, and precious.

Pietersite is a breccia aggregate of hawk's eye and tiger's eye, with swirling colors of blue, rusty red, gold and brown.

Black tourmaline is ideal for clearing and protecting the aura from negative influences. It helps us connect to the Earth and know we belong onyx western here.

Amazonite is a gemstone variety of green microcline, a feldspar mineral. It is named after the Amazon River in Brazil, although no deposits have been found there.

Aragonite bolsters the strength of your emotional core, helping you confront painful feelings and embrace past wounds. This clears the way for lasting positive emotional states. Because it acts to balance the energy system and chakras, it is both calming and energizing.

Actinolite is a rare translucent variety of chatoyant actinolite. It is an amphibole silicate that is sometimes mistakenly called "cat's eye jade".

By harmonizing and linking the heart and third-eye chakra, Tanzanite is a powerful stone for activating compassion and increasing the ability to speak the truth in your heart. It is an integrating stone that helps awaken an enlightened consciousness based in wholeness.

Some types of quartz are very highly regarded even in fine jewelry, however. These include rutilated quartz and gold-bearing quartz harvested from veins and cut to display both the gold and the stone.

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